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aXcelerate™ PLUS
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The aXcelerate PLUS mud-pulse telemetry service comprises an advanced surface software suite and a BCPM2™ turbine-powered communication module. The combination of downhole adjustable, oscillating shear valve, and sophisticated signal processing means reliable data transmission in the toughest drilling conditions, including high-lost-cirulation-material (high-LCM) and high-drilling-noise environments.
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The aXcelerate PLUS mud-pulse telemetry service comprises an advanced surface software suite and a BCPM2™ turbine-powered communication module. The combination of downhole adjustable, oscillating shear valve, and sophisticated signal processing means reliable data transmission in the toughest drilling conditions, including high-lost-cirulation-material (high-LCM) and high-drilling-noise environments.
Features and Benefits
• Downhole adjustable pulser setup via downlink
• Maximizes achievable data rates in changing drilling environments and conditions without pulling out of hole
• Real-time formation evaluation data for reservoir navigation
• Maximizes production through optimized wellbore placement
• Improves decision making and reduces uncertainty
• High-resolution downhole drilling dynamics data
• Optimizes drilling efficiency and improves hole quality
• Bandwidth up to 40 bits per second physical and up to 256 bits per second compressed
• Delivers more real-time data for informed decision making and reduced risk
• Increases rate of penetration (ROP) without sacrificing log density